Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hello fellow AMS users ,

I started this blog out of a lack of websites relating to Alsa Modular Synth (AMS for short).
The purpose of this blog is to share patches you made , or sharing tutorials and other info related to AMS or other types of synthesis.
For example the Clavia modular synth is so hyped , that getting a patch for it is so easy , and i know there aren't a lot of people using AMS. But i believe its quite similar in sound , and power , if not more powerful , because it has loads of plug-ins and components and it is open source and runs on a Linux platform. The sky is the limit.

So in the spirit of linux , contribute , and all together we can make a worthwhile sounding opponent to Clavia modular.

, Jeroen Tuyn


Atte said...

I have put my patches for ams here:

Scott said...

I recently discovered ams, after a friend tried to get me to use Reaktor. I really love ams. It sounds great. I made a mic effects proccessor with a wave out capture function. Looks like I need to find a place to post the .ams file any suggestions.

Björn Orrenius said...

Check out this new synth site.

Tristan said...

Hey ToulCit,

What would it take to get this resource up and running again? I'd like to help.


Adiva Graphics said...

nice post.

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